
Evacuee: A Wartime Childhood 

Sat 11 November – March 2024

The museum will exhibit the original artwork of artist and author Brian Sanders.

His career spans decades working on books, magazines, stamp and coin designs, editorial and advertising projects. High profile work such as Mad Men and Stanley Kubrick, examples of which will feature in the exhibition.

Scenes of Saffron Walden and the district from his two books, Evacuee: A Wartime Childhood (2010) and Return of Evacuee: A Post-war Childhood (2016) will dominate the exhibition, accompanied by wartime items and photographs from the museum’s collections.

Plants: The Struggle for Survival
March 30 – July 7

Explore our relationship with plants that heal or harm, feed us or frustrate us, and uncover secrets of their survival over hundreds of millions of years. Fossil fronds, Victorian collectors and modern roadsides – this is the story of Plants: The Struggle for Survival.